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Royal Spa® Tri-Protein Plus Deep Conditioner
sku C12015
$32.73 CAD
$0.65 CAD Cashback
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- Botanical extracts to relax stressed hair
- A special anti-static formula that fights fly-away hair and the frizzies
- Deep conditioner for dry, damaged or chemically-treated hair
Displaying 1 - 5 of 43
by Goh
Sofy and fluffy hair
Wasn't using conditioner for year until I meet royal spa conditioner
It absorb so fast that I run need to wait until it absorb, wash it of after applying is ok too
by JayanaM
Not satisfied
Did not like it , I have to go beck to my original one
Response from Customer Service
We are sorry to hear you were not pleased with this product. This formula is a customer favorite, but we understand products work differently for everyone and are sorry to hear it did not work for you. We do offer a variety of other conditioner options from our partner stores that may be more suited to your needs. We apologize again that this formula did not work for you but are confident you will find an option to suit your needs among our other selections.
Thank you for taking the time to share your honest feedback!
by Jose FranciscoS
Resolvió el problema del cabello de mi esposa
Mi esposa tenía problemas con el pelo por los químicos muy maltratado le recomendé royal spa i está muy encantada su pelo está más fuerte suaves con muchos brillo esta muy feliz
Response from Customer Service
Querido Cliente Valioso,
¡Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para compartir sus opiniones sobre el acondicionador profundo Tri-Protein Plus de Royal Spa®! ¡Nos alegra saber que está satisfecho con el producto!
¡Gracias de nuevo!
El equipo de información de productos
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Royal Spa® Tri-Protein Plus Deep Conditioner! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
Conditioner is Luxurious
It needs to be in your shower!
This conditioner is working miracles in rehydrating my hair.
Response from Customer Service
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Royal Spa® Tri-Protein Plus Deep Conditioner! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!
Thank you again!
The Product Information Team
by Anonymous
這個等級的護髮,在外面美髮店用一次要1000多元喔 自己買回家護髮使用真的很經濟又實惠效果好,漂過退色換特殊色的頭髮使用完依然閃亮亮。超愛
Response from Customer Service
親愛的 優惠顧客 您好 :
感謝您撥冗留下對 柔雅™蛋白質護髮乳 的看法。我們很高興聽到您對該產品感到滿意。
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