Never let something like your age slow you down
Exclusive Brands
Isotonix OPC-3®
Isotonix OPC-3 is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids. Isotonix OPC-3 contains isotonic-capable Pycnogenol®, renowned for its...
$107.84 CAD
Up to $2.16 CAD Cashback
Isotonix® Digestive Health Formula
Isotonix Digestive Health Formula, an isotonic-capable food supplement, is a blend of amylase, protease, cellulase, lactase, maltase, sucrase and lipase enzymes. Enzymes are important for the body’s proper absorption and utilization of food. Over...
$57.48 CAD
Up to $1.15 CAD Cashback
Ultimate Aloe™
The aloe plant has been used to promote health for thousands of years. Ultimate Aloe Juice is a source of over 200 nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals, including 13 of the 17 essential minerals needed for good nutrition. Because the typical diet...
$45.97 CAD
Up to $0.92 CAD Cashback
Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex
Eliminate the stress and pump up the energy with Isotonix Advanced B-Complex, featuring both the activated forms of these powerful B vitamins as well as the superior Isotonix delivery system.
$86.26 CAD
Up to $1.73 CAD Cashback
Isotonix Vitamin C
Fuel your immunity with the world’s most popular vitamin – vitamin C! Vitamin C is an antioxidant and plays a significant role in a variety of metabolic functions. It strengthens the immune system and helps in the synthesis of bones, cartilage, teeth...
$56.04 CAD
Up to $1.12 CAD Cashback
Isotonix® Bromelain Plus
Your body needs support on the inside and the outside. That’s why we’ve developed Isotonix Bromelain Plus to help support your body, letting you take action to help your body face what life puts in front of you. Thanks to this special formula,...
$92.01 CAD
Up to $1.84 CAD Cashback
Isotonix® Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient that plays a vital role in health maintenance. As individuals age, the ability to synthesize CoQ10 begins to decline. Sometimes, this is due to poor eating habits or stress, but the main challenge for most people is...
$86.26 CAD
Up to $1.73 CAD Cashback